GERAR ENERGIA is an economic group that invests in innovative technology, seeking partnerships with universities and international companies in the fields of:

GERAR ENERGIA strives for national prominence in the field of renewable energy, not only by providing high quality services and modern equipment, but also by attracting partners and investors for our clients.

We are a Brazilian company with investments in other companies in the fields previously mentioned and a provider of services and equipment leasing. We seek to facilitate the needs of our clients and contribute to the improvement of human welfare and living conditions, as well as to help to solve social, economic and environmental issues. We believe in encouraging the responsible use of natural resources and in building lasting relationships based on generating value.

Based on the satisfactory results experienced by our clients, GERAR ENERGIA strives for national prominence in the field of renewable energy by providing quality services and cutting-edge equipment, but also by attracting partners and investors for our clients.

Our vision is to be in the forefront of our industry, recognized by both the public and the private sectors as a world-class organization.

Our actions are guided by the principles of justice, quality of life, development of new surgical techniques, full growth of the collective well-being, respect for people and the environment, commitment and resilience in the search for positive results. We have established transparent and lasting relationships based on ethics and aimed at generating value to all parties.

Rua Victor Civita, n° 66, ED. 4 / sala 209
Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro / RJ - Brasil

Tel/Fax: 55 (21) 3899-7788

© 2009 Gerar Energia - Powered by Formagio
Empresas do grupo

First Business Brazil